Americans for Ryan: We Did It!!!

A while back I started my Americans for Ryan ActBlue page to try and raise $1500 for Heather Ryan in Kentucky’s First Congressional District by the time of the primary she is unopposed in on May 20. Well, the great news is fully two weeks before that date, Americans for Ryan crossed the $1500 mark today!!

I can only say thanks to everyone who made this possible. Heather has been staying busy meeting voters, and every penney of this money has been invaluable and put to work immediately!!

I am very proud of the fact that many Kentuckians joined in, and contributed too!! In fact the last contributor that put us over the top was a prominent Kentucky Democrat!! Although I won’t name names, I am so proud to have this person’s support. Lets me know we are doing something right!!

You can bet, grassroots Democrats in this district are going to be fighting hard to expand our Congressional majorities. We have a great candidate, a winning message, and a large percentage of registered Democrats in our district. With support from Democrats all over the country, we will put this race in play!!

Now, just because we passed our goal, doesn’t mean the May 20 fundraiser is over. We will still be holding our contest to see who wins the pinback buttons from JFK’s 1960 election seen here:


Anyone who contributed on or before May 20 is automatically entered in a drawing for this small piece of history.

Due to the hard work of Heather Ryan and the generosity of our fellow Democrats, we are going to win this race!! Keep the momentum going here:…

Thanks so much for making this a success!!

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!